
Children’s Summer School

July 8, 2024 - July 24, 2024

Beirut Art Center is happy to announce it will host the second edition of its annual
Children’s Summer School, running from Monday 8 July to Wednesday 24 July. The
summer school brings together children from diverse backgrounds and aims to foster
imagination, provide a fun and educational experience, and encourage children to explore their creativity. 

The theme for the 2024 edition is “WonderLand” where each child will have the opportunity to create their own “Wonder Box” and discover their capacity to invent magical worlds. The program will focus on sparking curiosity, and cultivating a deeper appreciation for our ability to sense and feel the world around us. The workshops aim to engage the five senses, with a special emphasis on experiential learning. They are designed to build on each other, ensuring a holistic and engaging experience.

The Summer School is free to attend, however enrollment requires a commitment to the
full 3 weeks program. All material will be provided by Beirut Art Center.