
Xavier le Roy: self unfinished

Xavier le Roy

September 29, 2015 8:00 pm

Entrance: 20000 lbp, 25000lbp

For reservation:

“A chair, a desk, a soundtrack, that doesn’t start. A dancer in a shirt uses strong sound effects to imitate a robot. Indeed an understandable, even conventional idea, that is until Xavier le Roy’s (1963, France) play turns into a gripping mental space. Head over heels, the dancer’s body is transformed in real-time into a series of hallucinogenic morphological aberrations, representing images of body that reconfigures itself based to unwritten laws and a disquieting, inhuman rhythm. It undergoes long stases, makes infinite movements, and begins to crawl abruptly. In addition to the torsion carried out in the “spectacle de danse” (dance performance), Xavier le Roy taps into a new field where scientific and social data is transferred and imprinted in imaginary representations of the body.”
François Piron in the journal des arts of connivence, 6th biennale de Lyon