
Ghassan Salhab and Walid Sadek in conversation

Ghassan Salhab

Walid Sadek

September 18, 2018 7:00 pm

Ghassan Salhab is a Lebanese director and artist born in Dakar, Senegal in 1958. In addition to making his own films, Salhab collaborates on various scenarios in Lebanon and in France and teaches film in Lebanon. He has directed four feature-length films: Beyrouth fantôme, terra incognita, the last man, 1958, and the mountain, in addition to numerous short films and videos, including (Posthume); Narcisse perdumy living body, my dead bodyla rose de personneBaalbeck (co-directed with a. Zaatari and m. Soueid); Afrique fantômeaprès la mort… he has also published his texts and articles in various magazines.

Walid Sadek is an artist and writer living in Beirut. His early work investigates the familial legacies of the Lebanese civil war. His later work proposes a theory for a post-war society disinclined to resume normative living. more recently, his artworks and written texts seek a poetics for a sociality governed by the logic of protracted war and search for eruptive temporalities to challenge that same protractedness.

He is a professor and currently chair of the department of fine arts and art history at the American University of Beirut.

They will be in conversation around Daniele Genadry’s exhibition, slow light.