
Does dance have only one name?

Zeina Hanna

December 21, 2018 7:00 pm

What do we mean when we talk about dance and choreography and are they necessarily linked?

This workshop is conducted by Zeina Hanna and takes place in the context of Joachim Koester’s current exhibition at Beirut art center, things that shine and things that are dark, as an attempt to counteract our tendency to forget that dance is strongly inscribed in both the formation of socio-political and economic realities and our venture in finding ways to live together.

This workshop is an invitation to unfold together what we sometimes perceive as abstract notions – space, time, presence, embodiment, and aesthetic experiences.

Based on her work and experience in dance, choreography, and performance, and supported by theoretical texts and video excerpts of some of her current choreographic works, Zeina Hanna would like to try to navigate through the friction and potentiality of what dance and choreography can be. Her participation in Joachim Koester’s video work, maybe this act, this work, this thing, will be a starting point for a discussion.

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Zeina Hanna (lb/de) works in contemporary performing arts with a background in dance and choreography. She has worked on many artistic collaborations namely with Miriam Jakob and Xavier Le Roy since 2014. In 2015 Zeina Hanna has been part of a retrospective by Xavier Le Roy at Beirut art center which she had also been part of in Hamburg and Paris. She also participated in the exhibition temporary title (2015) and the work still-untitled developed for skulptur projekte münster 2017, by Xavier Le Roy and Scarlet Yu. Her work expands on many artistic collaborations, as performer but also as dramaturge, with Dragana Bulut, Joachim Koester, Lina Majdalanie, Tino Sehgal, and Maragrét Sara guðjónsdóttir. Based in Berlin since 2010, she graduated with a master’s in choreography from the inter-university center for dance berlin in 2012 and holds a master’s degree in theater from Saint-denis University in 2010. Two of her previous works: never live twice – a video installation performance and backroom anatomy 1 have been shown in festivals in Brussels, Vienna, Berlin, Sofia, and Belgrade. She is currently working on her new choreographic piece called government of sleep.