The Yalla Bala Manyake exhibitions only last a day. At dawn, we arrive at the chosen abandoned location and start setting up, as the sun starts rising over the city. We usually complete putting the space together as the first visitors arrive, in the early afternoon. As the public discovers both the location and the works, the light slowly fades and moves from East to West, highlighting different areas of the space, traveling from a work to an other. Finally, as the sun sets, we pack up our works and leave. The abandoned space goes back to its initial state, tainted by only a few discrete traces (titles of the work written with charcoal on the walls, from which we erase our names, paint drips, drilling holes…), and memories.
In response to the BAC’s prompt , we will be focusing on the traces left behind, as well as the role the presence of the sun plays in the spaces we temporarily inhabit.”
YBM is a collective of 4 friends: Hala Mouzannar, Mayssa Khoury, Aya Kazoun, & Liên Hoàng-Xuân organizing independent exhibitions in abandoned locations of Beirut.