
Meet the composer: Mahmoud Turkmani and Joelle Khoury

Joelle Khoury

Nabil Mroueh

Mustafa Said

Mahmoud Turkmani

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October 14, 2010 8:00 pm

Meet the composer – an initiative of Joelle Khoury, is a project that aims at acquainting the Lebanese public with contemporary composers, mainly Lebanese, living in Lebanon and abroad. As part of the project, various composers are invited to discuss their experience and share their music through listening/discussion sessions that are sometimes followed by miniature concerts. The present “meeting” will focus on the music of Mahmoud Turkmani, Lebanese/Swiss composer based in Bern, and Beirut composer Joelle Khoury. A talk by the 2 composers will be followed by a short concert during which pieces written by both artists will be performed for the first time.

Concert with:
Mahmoud Turkmani: guitar and oud
Nabil Mroueh: flute
Mustafa Said: oud
Joelle Khoury: electronics